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Table 4 Economic outcomes at six months after NovaSure™ endometrial ablation: outpatient local anaesthetic treatment versus day-case general anaesthetic treatment

From: Outpatient versus day-case endometrial ablation using the NovaSure™ impedance-controlled ablative system

Outcome measure*

Inpatient (n=13)

Outpatient (n=17)

Days in hospital

1/13 (8%)

0 (0%)

Outpatient visits

1/13 (8%)

1/17 (6%)

GP visits#

5/13 (38%)

3/17 (18%)

Home visits

0/13 (0%)

0/17 (0%)

Time to resume normal activity post-op. (median)

4 (range 0–21 days)

3 (range 1–21 days)

Time to resume work post-op. (median)

5 (range 2–28 days)

2 (range 0–40 days)

  1. *No statistical difference (P>0.05) between inpatient and outpatient treatment for any clinical outcomes at six months (Fisher’s exact test)
  2. Duration of hospital stay was one day
  3. Number of outpatient visits was three in each treatment group
  4. #Mean number of GP visits was three in each treatment group