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Table 3 Patients undergoing TOT operations alone or with concomitant procedure

From: Transobturatoric tape procedure for female stress urinary incontinence


Only TOT operations, n = 106

TOT with concomitant procedure, n = 85

Need of catheterization

1.9% (n = 2)

78.8% (n = 67)

Residual urine

202 ml (2–900)

132 ml (2–700)

Hospital stay (days)

0.7 (0–4)

2.4 (0–12)

Completely satisfied/satisfied (%) (20* and 34** months po)





  1. There was no statistically significant difference between TOT operations with or without concomitant procedure (p = 0.538 at the first subjective evaluation and p = 0.163 at the second subjective evaluation)