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  • Acknowledgement to Reviewers
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Acknowledgement to reviewers

The Editorial Board of the Journal Gynecological Surgery and Springer would like to thank all reviewers for their hard work and loyalty in 2008 to achieve a high scientific standard for the Journal.

Agarwala, Neena

Allahbadia, Gautam

Amant, Frederic

Benagiano, Giuseppe

Bender, H.G.

Ben-Rafael, Zion

Brennan, Daniel

Brölmann, Hans

Campo, Rudi

Canis, Michel

Carmona, Francisco

Cavkaytar, S.

Cervigni, Mauro

Cheong, Ying

Darwish, Atef

De Blok, Sjoerd

De Groot, C.J.M.

De Prins, Frans

De Tayrac, Renaud

De Wilde, Rudy

Deffieux, Xavier

Demirci, Fuat

Demirol, A.

Dhont, Marc

Diamond, Michael

Dilbaz, Serdar

Ditto, Antonino

Divakar, Hema

Donders, Gilbert

Donnez, Jacques

Dueholm, Margit

El-Neil, Suzy

Elstein, Max

Gambadauro, Pietro

Garry, Ray

Gomel, Victor

Gordts, Stephan

Hahn, Markus

Hinoul, Piet

Hornung, Rene

Istre, Olav

Jansen, Frank Willem

Kianifard, Babak

Kodaman, Pinar

Lawrence, Anne

Litta, Pietro

Loffer, Frank

Loh, Foo Hoe

Makris, Nikolaos

Marana, Riccardo

McCausland, Arthur

Mduluza, Takafira

Merkus, J.W.S.

Molinas, Carlos

Mueller, Michael

Muppala, Hari

Muzii, Ludovico

Neven, Patrick

Nieto, Jose

Nisolle, Michelle

Pados, George

Panayotidis, Costas

Piura, B.

Puttemans, Patrick

Read, Raymond

Roovers, Jan-Paul

Schauf, Burkhard

Schulz, Jane

Shaw, Robert

Shawki, Osama

Solnik, Jonathon

Stefanidis, Dimitros

Tanos, Vasilios

Thurkow, Andreas

Tjalma, Wiebren

Tozzi, Roberto

Trimbos-Kemper, Trudy

Tulandi, Togas

Van Der Vaart, C.H.

Van Herendael, Bruno

Varma, R.

Verguts, Jasper

Vilos, George

Volpi, Eugenio

Weiden, Robin

Wiegerinck, Maarten

Wildemeersch, Dirk

Willett, Mark

Withagen, Mariella

Wright, Jeremy

Zerega, G.

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Acknowledgement to reviewers. Gynecol Surg 6, 97 (2009).

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