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Fig. 1 | Gynecological Surgery

Fig. 1

From: Bilateral hydrosalpinges masquerading as ovarian cancer: a late complication of microwave endometrial ablation: a case report and literature review

Fig. 1

Gross anatomy: subtotal hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oopherectomy specimen. Received was a subtotal hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oopherectomy specimen. The uterine body was distended by a dark, brown fluid reminiscent of altered blood. On opening, the uterine wall was thickened and contained pale nodular areas of up to 12 mm in greatest diameter. Both fallopian tubes were distended by a similar fluid. The left ovary (arrow) appeared cystic, with individual cysts measuring up to 15 mm in greatest diameter. The right ovary was not identifiable and was believed by fibrosis. Subsequent histology showed that the pale nodular areas within the myometrium were benign, part hyalinised, leiomyomas. The ovarian cysts were benign follicular cysts

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