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Table 1 Characteristics of 101 women with central introital dyspareunia who filled out and returned the questionnaire

From: Simple posterior vestibuloplasty for central introital dyspareunia


Number (percentage)



31/101 (31%)


17/31a (55%)


7/31b (23%)

Previous genital infections


56/101 (56%)

 Bacterial vaginosis

15/101 (15%)

 Genital warts

4/101 (4%)

 Herpes genitalis

4/101 (4%)


10/101 (10%)

Introital dyspareunia since first sexual contact (first sexual partner)

45/89 (51%)

Secondary introital pain

44/89 (49%)

 Since delivery

15/44 (34%)

 Since operation

4/44 (9%)

 Since genital infection

7/44 (16%)

 Other incident

18/44 (41%)

More than one lifetime partner

37/75 (49%)

 Introital pain with all partners

24/37 (65%)

 Introital pain with subsequent, but not with first partner

13/37 (35%)

Sought medical advice of self-treatment

63/101 (63%)

  Advice to see psychiatrist

16/94 (11%)

  Gone to psychiatrist

6/94 (6%)

Duration of dyspareunia before diagnosis

  More than 3 months

88/101 (87%)

  More than 1 year

35/101 (35%)

  1. aSeven had espisiotomy twice
  2. bOne had a tear twice