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Table 2 Search strategies

From: A multidisciplinary evidence-based guideline for minimally invasive surgery: part 2—laparoscopic port instruments, trocar site closure, and electrosurgical techniques


Data base

Search terms

Laparoscopic port instruments

Medline (OVID) 1950–March 2012

1. *Laparoscopy/

2. (trocar* or troicar* or trocard*).ti.

3. ((secondary adj trocar*) or (classical adj trocar*) or cannula or (disposable adj3 trocar*) or (radially adj expanding adj trocar*) or (STEP adj trocar*) or (visual adj entry) or systems or (conical adj trocar) or (pyramidal adj trocar*) or (reusable adj trocars*) or (disposable adj trocar*) or (single adj2 trocars) or optiview or endotip or visiport or (bladeless adj trocar*) or (sharp adj trocar*) or (trocar adj valve*)).ab,ti.

4. 2 or 3

5. *Surgical Instruments/

6. "Equipment Design"/

7. exp Gynecologic Surgical Procedures/is [Instrumentation]

8. Laparoscopy/mt [Methods]

9. or/5-9

10. 1 and 4 and 9

11. systematic reviews (filter)

12. randomized controlled trials (filter)

13. exp longitudinal studies/

Embase (Elsevier) 1974–March 2012

14. 10 and 13 (trocar* OR troicar* OR trocard* OR 'secondary trocar' OR 'classical trocar' OR 'radially expanding trocar' OR 'step trocar' OR 'visual entry system' OR 'conical trocar' OR 'pyramidal trocar' OR 'reusable trocar' OR 'disposable trocar' OR 'single trocar' OR optiview OR endotip OR visiport OR 'bladeless trocar' OR 'sharp trocar' OR 'trocar valvë' OR 'secondary trocars' OR 'classical trocars' OR 'cannula'/exp OR 'radially expanding trocars' OR 'step trocars' OR 'visual entry systems' OR 'conical trocars' OR 'pyramidal trocars' OR 'reusable trocars' OR 'disposable trocars' OR 'single trocars' OR 'bladeless trocars' OR 'sharp trocars' OR 'trocar valves') AND 'surgical instrument'/exp/mj NOT [animals]/lim) AND ([dutch]/lim OR [english]/lim AND [embase]/lim

Port site closure

Medline (OVID) 1950–Nov 2009

1. exp *Laparoscopy/

2. "laparascop*".m_titl.

3. "minimal invasive*".m_titl.

4. 1 or 2 or 3

5. Surgical Wound Dehiscence/ Obesity/”obes*”.m_titl./ Body Mass Index

6. deep sheath closure*.mp. or Surgical Wound Infection/

7. port closure*.mp.

8. port site hernia*.mp.

9. port infection*.mp.

10. hernia/ or hernia, abdominal/


12. fascia or Hernia, Ventral/

13. or/5-15

14. exp *Sutures/

15. exp *Suture Techniques/

16. "suture*".m_titl.

17. 17-19

18. 4 and 16 and 20

19. 9 or 10 or 11 or 12 or 14 or 15

20. *Laparoscopy/ae [Adverse Effects]

21. 22 and 23

22. 21 or 24

23. "ventral hernia repair*".m_titl.

24. 25 not 26

25. Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass.m_titl.

26. (suture* or closure* or port*).m_titl.

27. 27 and 29

28. 30 not 28

Embase (Elsevier) 1974–Nov 2009

(laparoscop*:ti OR 'laparoscopy'/exp/mj OR 'minimal invasive':ti AND ('deep sheath closure' OR 'port closure' OR 'port site hernia' OR 'port infection' OR 'herniation'/exp OR 'fascia defect' OR 'deep sheath closures' OR 'port closures' OR 'port site hernias' OR 'port infections' OR herniations OR 'fascia defects' OR 'wound dehiscence'/exp OR 'obesity'/exp OR 'body mass'/exp OR 'surgical infection'/exp OR 'abdominal wall hernia'/exp) AND ('suture'/exp/mj OR 'suture'/exp OR suture*:ti)) NOT ('roux en y' AND gastric AND bypass:ti)

AND filter randomized controlled trials

Electrosurgical and ultrasonic techniques

Medline (OVID) 1950–Nov 2009

1. Laparoscopy/

2. Laparoscopy.ti.

3. 1 or 2

4. Electrosurgery/

5. Electrosurgery.ti.

6. 4 or 5

10. 3 and 6

11. limit 10 to (dutch or english)

12. limit 11 to (clinical trial, all or clinical trial or review or comparative study or consensus development conference or controlled clinical trial or evaluation studies or guideline or meta analysis or multicenter study or practice guideline or randomized controlled trial or research support, nih, extramural or research support, nih, intramural or research support, non us gov't or research support, us gov't, non phs or research support, us gov't, phs or technical report or validation studies)

13. exp Epidemiologic Studies/

14. 11 and 13

15. systematic reviews (filter)

43. randomized controlled trials (filter)

68. 12 or 14

69. 68 not (66 or 67)

Embase (Elsevier) 1974–Nov 2009

'clinical study'/exp OR 'comparative study'/exp OR 'controlled study'/exp OR 'observational study'/exp AND ('electrosurgery'/exp/mj OR electrosurg*:ti) AND ('laparoscopy'/exp/mj OR laparoscop*:ti) NOT [animals]/lim) AND ([dutch]/lim OR [english]/lim AND [embase]/lim

  1. Medline (OVID) and Embase were searched for relevant literature on the topics trocar use, trocar site closure and electrosurgical and ultrasonic techniques. The search was restricted to articles published in Dutch and English from 1966 to November 2009, with exception to the search for trocar use which we updated in March 2012. Additionally, the reference lists of all included studies and systematic reviews pertinent to this topic were screened. Methodological filters of the Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network ( were used to identify potential systematic reviews and randomized controlled trials