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Table 2 Summary format of submission types to the gynecologic surgery. Correspondence is still accepted

From: New faces, similar efficacy, growing ambitions

Original article

Title page, Abstract, Background, Method(s), Finding(s), Conclusion(s), max 50 references


Invited commentary on topics of current interest in gynecological surgery. Title, Abstract, Background, Method(s), Finding(s), Conclusion(s), 1 figure and 1 table, max 25 references, 2,500 words

Review Article

Title, Abstract, Background, Method(s), Finding(s), Conclusion(s), Acknowledgements, and max 100 references

Techniques and instrumentation

Title, Abstract, Background, Method(s), Finding(s), Conclusion(s), max 25 references, max 2,500 words, max 4 authors

Short communication

Title, no Abstract, Background knowledge (what is already known in max five lines), New Knowledge (what this report adds in max five lines), Finding(s), Conclusion(s), 1 figure with legend, max 7 references, 300 (image) to 500 words (case report), and max 4 authors