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Table 2 Operative details and complications

From: A patient-preference cohort study of office versus inpatient uterine polyp treatment for abnormal uterine bleeding


Office polypectomy

Inpatient polypectomy

Mean difference or OR (95 % CI)b, p value

Largest polyp size, cm

(median [IQR], n)a

1.1 [0.8–2.0], 286

1.0 [0.8–2.0], 57

0.0 (−0.2, 0.2), p > 0.9

Need for cervical dilation = yes

105/303 (35 %)

52/67 (78 %)

0.15 (0.08, 0.28), p < 0.001

Use of vaginal speculum = yes

152/301 (50 %)

53/60 (88 %)

0.13 (0.06, 0.31), p < 0.001

Use of local anaesthetic = yes

132/313 (42 %)

2/73 (3 %)

25.9 (6.2, 107), p < 0.001

Hysteroscopic removal = yes

(vs. blind)

246/299 (82 %)

36/64 (56 %)

3.6 (2.0, 6.4), p < 0.001

Scope diameter (mm)

4.0 [4.0–6.0], 201

5.5 [4.0–6.0], 42

−1.0 (−1.0, −1.0), p < 0.001

Method used to detach

n = 287

n = 65

2.0 (1.2, 3.5)c, p = 0.02


155 (54 %)

24 (37 %)


102 (36 %)

35 (54 %)


30 (10 %)

6 (9 %)

Method of retrieval

n = 292

n = 62

5.6 (3.0, 10.4)d, p < 0.001


193 (66 %)

16 (26 %)


69 (24 %)

43 (69 %)


11 (4 %)


19 (7 %)

3 (5 %)

Surgeon grade = consultant

233/305 (76 %)

40/67 (60 %)

2.2 (1.3, 3.8), p = 0.005

Time taken for polypectomy, min

(median [IQR], n)

10 [515], 290

10 [715], 52

−1.5 (3.0, 0.0), p = 0.3

Time in office room/theatre, min

(median [IQR], n)

30 [20–35], 285

33 [25–45], 53

−6.0 (−10.0, −2.0), p = 0.003

Removal success

n = 312

n = 73

1.4 (0.5, 3.9)f, p = 0.5


282 (90 %)

68 (93 %)


22 (7 %)

3 (4 %)


8 (3 %)

2 (3 %)

Operative complications

n = 302

n = 67


Vaso-vagal episode

17 (6 %)


Patient discomfort

9 (3 %)


Cervical trauma

1 (<1 %)

1 (1 %)


Uterine perforation



1 (<1 %)


Postoperative complications

n = 301

n = 67


Vaso-vagal episode

14 (5 %)

2 (3 %)



3 (1 %)

2 (3 %)


Severe pain

2 (3 %)


Further treatment/procedure given

n = 292

n = 64


Mirena IUS

42 (14 %)

8 (13 %)


Tranexamic acid

9 (3 %)



3 (1 %)


Endometrial destruction

2 (1 %)


Local oestrogen cream

2 (1 %)


Mefenamic acid

1 (<1 %)

1 (2 %)


Contraceptive pill

1 (<1 %)


Missing treatment name

2 (1 %)

1 (2 %)

  1. Numbers in italics refer to the responses received for that particular question
  2. n = number of responses
  3. aPolyp size was estimated hysteroscopically
  4. bMean difference < 0 indicates lower with office, similarly OR < 1 is lower with office. For skewed variables presented with medians, differences in location between groups were calculated using Hodges-Lehmann estimates and Moses’ confidence intervals
  5. cOdds ratio calculated from ‘electrode’ versus any other category
  6. dOdds ratio calculated from ‘hysteroscopic’ versus any other category
  7. eNine (3 %) partial or failed patients in the office group and none in the inpatient group were immediately scheduled for reoperation. Six of these were scheduled to be an inpatient. Partial or failed reasons in the office group (%’s given of the total number, 312): patient discomfort (9, 3 %), unable to locate blindly (5, 2 %), unable to access under vision (4, 1 %), polyp too large (3, 1 %), failed hysteroscopy (1, <1 %), base cut but unable to remove (1, <1 %), wide base unable to fully resect (1, <1 %), vaso-vagal episode (1, <1 %), difficult access to base of polyp (1, <1 %), missing reason (4, 1 %); partial or failed reasons in the inpatient group (%’s given of the total number, 73): unable to access under vision (1, 1 %), unable to locate blindly (1, 1 %), deep sub-mucous fibroid polyp (1, 1 %), too broad base (1, 1 %), missing reason (1, 1 %)
  8. fOdds ratio calculated from ‘partial’ or ‘failed’ versus complete
  9. gOther complications: nausea