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Table 1 Characteristics of women, deliveries, and peripartum hysterectomies

From: Emergency peripartum hysterectomy in a tertiary teaching hospital in Northern Jordan: a 15-year review

Clinical features

 Maternal age in years, mean (SD)

35.83 (4.47)

 BMI, mean (SD)

30.57 (4.73)

 Gravidity, median (IQR)

5.79 (4-7)

 Parity, median (IQR)

3.96 (3-5)

 Previous cesarean section, median (IQR)

2.93 (2-4)

 Previous cesarean section, n (%)

54 (91.52)

 ≥ 2 previous cesarean section, n (%)

47 (79.66)

 Previous uterine curettage, n (%)

21 (35.59)


 Gestational age in weeks, mean (SD)

35+2 (3)

 Vaginal delivery, n (%)

3 (5.08)

 Elective cesarean section, n (%)

28 (47.45)

 Emergency cesarean section, n (%)

28 (47.45)

Peripartum hysterectomy

 Total hysterectomy, n (%)

42 (71.18)

 Subtotal hysterectomy, n (%)

17 (28,81)

 Hysterectomy performed during cesarean section, n (%)

48 (81.35)

 Reopening after cesarean section to perform hysterectomy, n (%)

8 (13.55)